
I have a wide range of writing experience, including but not limited to:

Consumer Magazine Articles

Combining know-how and skill with a knack for communicating complex issues in a way the average person can grasp has been a marvelous experience for me.

Scientific Publications

I have authored and co-authored multiple academic scientific publications.  Selecting a single focus, creating a well-defined thought flow, and supporting that flow with data, factual information, and private interpretation are all skills I have become proficient at through this experience.

Research Grants, Contracts and Fellowships

As a first time author I have had 100% funding success with grant, contract and fellowship proposals. The ability to develop a focused plan and communicate a complex set of information in a clear and concise manner has proven to be a successful formula.

Scientific Patents

As an inventor, writing a USA/International patent invention disclosure, I gained experience in communicating my original scientific thoughts in a language and style much different than either the academic or casual styles with which I am more familiar. Providing clarity and specificity while leaving the door slightly open for extended future interpretation is a fine art.

Scientific Abstracts and Posters

Abstract and poster writing have provided me the opportunity to fine-tune my ability to communicate a thought in a succinct, yet captivating style.